Hawaiian1 | English |
........................................ | ........................................ |
`Ae | Yes |
Ahi | Fire |
Ahiahi | Evening |
Ahu | Heap, collection, shrine |
`Ahu | Upper body garment; cape, shirt, coat |
Ahupua`a | Land division |
Ai | To eat/ consume |
Aia | There |
Aia i hea? | Where? |
`Aina | Land |
Akamai | Knowledgeable |
`Akau | North |
Aku | Away from me (directional) |
Ali`i | Hawaiian royalty |
Aloalo | Hibiscus |
Aloha | Greetings, hello, good-bye, affection, love |
Ame | And |
`Anakala | Uncle |
`Anake | Aunt |
Aniani | Glass |
Aokuewa | Worthless land (Land on which nothing grows) |
`A`ole | No |
`Apelila | April |
`Apopo | Tomorrow |
A`u | Swordfish, marlin |
Au | I, me |
Auinala | Afternoon |
`Aukake | August |
`Aumakua | Family god |
Aumoe | Midnight |
Aupuni | Government, nation |
Awa | Passage, channel, harbor |
`Awa | A native shrub, whose root has medicinal and narcotic uses |
Awakea | Noon |
Ha`aha`a | Humbleness |
Ha`awina | Lesson |
Hala | Pandanus tree |
Hala-kahiki | Pineapple |
Halau | School |
Hale | House |
Haleakala | House of the rising sun |
Halemahina | House of the moon |
Hana | Activity, labor |
Hanai | Adopted child |
Hanau | To give birth |
Hapa | Part, a portion |
Hapai | To carry; pregnant |
Hau | A Hawaiian hibiscus; used as natural fencing |
Ha`ule lau | Autumn |
Haumana | Student |
Haumia | Uncleanliness in one's life |
Hau`oli | Happy |
He aha | What |
He`e | Octopus |
Heiau | Hawaiian worship site |
Hele | To go, to come |
Hele aku | Go away |
Hele mai | Come here |
Helu | Number |
Hema | South |
Hepekoma | Week |
Hikina | East |
Himeni | Sing |
Hinana | Young 'o'opu returning upstream after post-larvae migration from the fresh water to the ocean. |
Hoahanau | Cousin |
Hoaloha | Friend |
Hola | Hour |
Holoku | A loose, seamed dress, with train, yoke & patterned print |
Honu | Turte |
Ho`oilo | Winter |
Ho`okipa | To extend hospitality |
Ho`okupu | Gift from the land |
Ho`olaule`a | Celebration |
Ho`olauna `Ana | Friendly conversation |
Ho`olele | To embark |
Ho`olohe | To listen |
Ho`oninau | To ask |
Ho`oponopono | To set things right, amend, rectify |
Hou | New, again |
Hui | Organization |
Hula | Dance |
I`a | Fish |
Ianuali | January |
`Ili | A subdivision of an ahupua`a |
`Ili `ili | Stone; Hula castanets |
`Ilio | Dog |
Imu | Cooking pit/ underground oven |
Inehinei | Yesterday |
Inoa | Name |
`Iole | Rat |
Ipo | Lover, boy/ girlfriend |
Iulai | July |
Iune | June |
Iwi | Bones |
Ka | The (Singular; use 'ke' before words starting with 'a,' 'e,' 'o,' and k.') |
Kahako | Macron; a mark '-' placed over a vowel to indicate that the vowel is long |
Kahakai | Beach |
Kahawai | Stream |
Kaho`olawe | The act of taking |
Kahu | Keeper of the heiau |
Ka`i | To walk/ lead |
Kai | Ocean |
Kaikamahine | Daughter |
Kaikua`ana | Older sibling cousin, of same sex |
Kaikunane | Brother |
Kaikuahine | Sister |
Kaka | Duck |
Kakahiaka | Morning |
Kako`o | Apprentice |
Kakou | Us |
Kala | To release, free |
Kalani | Chief |
Kalua | To bake in a ground oven |
Kalo | Taro |
Kama`aina | Native-born |
Kamaiki | Infant (boy or girl) |
Kanaka | Human |
Kanaka maoli | Native Hawaiian |
Kane | Man |
Kapu | Forbidden, sacred, taboo, no trespassing |
Kaukau | Food |
Kau wela | Summer |
Kawa | Leaping place |
Ke | The (See 'ka' above for usage) |
Ke Akua | God |
Keia la | Today |
Keiki | Child |
Keiki kane | Son |
Keiki hanau o ka `aina | Child of the land |
Kekemapa | December |
Kekoa | Warrior |
Kekona | Second (fraction of a minute) |
Kela 'apopo | Tomorrow |
Kepakemapa | September |
Ki | Ti plant |
Ki | Image, carving |
Ki`i | Picture |
Ki`ionioni | Moving picture |
Ko | Sugar Cane |
Koali | Morning glory (plant) |
Kohala | Whale |
Kokua | Help |
Komohana | West |
Kona | Leeward, from the South |
Ko`olau | Windward, from the North |
Kou | A softwood tree |
Ko`u | My |
Ku | Deity |
Ku`ai | To purchase |
Kukakuka | Let's talk story |
Kukui | Candlenut tree |
Kula | School Gold, golden |
Kuleana | Right, claim, property, interest |
Kumu | Teacher |
Kumu nui | Coconut tree |
Kupulau | Spring (season) |
Kupuna | Elder, ancestor |
Kupuna kahiko | Ancient |
Kupuna kane | Grandfather |
Kupuna wahine | Grandmother |
La | Day |
La hanau | Birthday |
Lanai | Porch, patio |
Lani | Heaven |
La noa | Weekday |
Lanui | Holiday, special day |
Lapule | Sunday |
Laulima | To work together |
Leka | Letter |
Lele | To leap, fly, disembark, move |
Lomi lomi | Traditional Hawaiian massage |
Lono | Deity of agriculture, peace |
Loulu | Fan palm tree |
Lua | Hole with a bottom, crater |
Lua `ole | Unequalled, incomparable |
Mahalo | Thank you |
Mahina | Moon, month |
Mahinahina | Feminine-like |
Ma`i | Sick, ill |
Mai | To come |
Mai kai | Toward the ocean |
Maika`i | Good |
Maika`i `ole | Bad |
Ma`ima`i | Sickly, ill-like |
Maka | Eyes |
Maka aniani | Eye glasses |
Makahiki | Year |
Makahiki Hou | New Year |
Makai | Ocean-side |
Makamaka | Colleague |
Makana | Gift |
Makani | Wind |
Make | Dead |
Makemake | Miss, desire |
Makua | Parent |
Makuahine | Mother |
Makua kane | Father |
Malaki | March |
Malama | To care for, preserve |
Malihini | Visitor |
Mana | Spiritual power |
Mana`o | Thought, belief |
Mano | Shark |
Maoli | Real, true |
Mau | Many |
Ma uka | Toward the mountain |
Mei | May |
Mele | Chant, song |
Menehune | Mythological Hawaiian elf |
Minuke | Minute |
Moa | Chicken |
Moana | Ocean |
Moe | Rest |
Moe moe | Sleep |
Moku | Island |
Momi | Pearl |
Mo`olelo | History, tradition, journal |
Na | The (Plural) |
Nai`a | Dolphin |
Nana | Observe |
Nani | Beautiful |
Naupaka | A native shrub with a white blossom that look like half-flowers |
Naupaka kahakai | The coastal species of naupaka |
Naupaka kuahiwi | The mountain species of naupaka |
Nene | Goose |
Ninau | Question |
Nowemapa | November |
Nui | Big, large |
Oe | You (Singular) |
`Ohana | Family, relative |
`Ohiki | Sand crab |
`Okakopa | October |
`Okina | Glottal stop, punctuation: '`' |
`Okole | Butt |
`Okolehao | Liquor distilled from the ti root |
`Olelo | Words, to speak |
Oli | Chant |
Olohe | Expert |
`Olu `olu | Please |
Oni oni | To move (i.e.; the hip) |
Ono | A large mackerel type fish |
`Ono | Delicious |
O`o | The act of ... |
`O`opu akupa | An endemic stream fish without fused pelvic fin; does not climb |
`O`opu alamo`o | An endemic native stream fish that climbs middle to upper stream reaches |
`O`opu nakea | An endemic stream fish often found in taro patches; likes warm water |
`O`opu naniha | An endemic stream fish that stays low in the estuary; has a fused pelvic fin; does not climb |
`O`opu napili | An endemic stream fish found in fast-running water |
`Opae | Shrimp |
`Opae ula | A small endemic red shrimp |
`Opala | Trash |
`Opihi | Limpet |
Oukou | You (Plural) |
`O wai | Who |
Pa | To begin |
Pali | Cliff |
Pane | Answer |
Paniolo | Cowboy |
Papa | Mother earth |
Pau | Finished, complete, over, after |
Pa`u | A woman's skirt worn horseback riding |
Pea | Avocado |
Pehea | How |
Pepeluali | February |
Pilialo | Wife |
Pilikia | Trouble |
Pilikua | Husband |
Pinao | Dragonfly |
Po | Night |
Po- | Time of |
Po`aha | Thursday |
Po`akahi | Monday |
Po`akolu | Wednesday |
Po`alima | Friday |
Po`alua | Tuesday |
Po`aono | Saturday |
Pohaku | Rock |
Poho | Out of luck, damaged, lost |
Pokani | Dark, star-less night |
Pono | Moral, upright, excellence, in balance |
Popopo | Rotten |
Pua | Flower |
Pua`a | Pig, pork |
Pueo | Owl |
Puka | Hole, perforation |
Puka aniani | Window |
Pule | Week. Also 'prayer' |
Pumehana | Warmth, affection |
Pu`u | Protrusion, bulge, hill, peak |
Ua | Rain |
`Uhane | Spirit, ghost |
`Uku | Flea |
`Ulu | Breadfruit |
Wa`a | Canoe |
Wahine | Woman |
Wakea | Father sky |
Wapine | Lemon grass |
Wauke | Mulberry tree |
Wiki | Quick, fast |
One Call Away Song Download
One Call Away Free Download
One Call Away Lyrics Meaning
Another word for call away. Find more ways to say call away, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. The person who is 'one call away' is saying that they are very near, and readily available to the caller. Not only is the person suggesting they are very near, but that they are capable of doing great things, comparing themselves to Superman (which is definitely a hyperbole).